Okay, Listen Here

Okay, Listen Here

Monday, August 6, 2012

First in Ten, Do it Again!

"I've got a 46 inch in my bedroom and a 32 inch in the living room but I am going to swap them before the season starts." This was from the girl bagging my groceries yesterday.

"Uh huh," said the checker. "Less than a month."

I got a little giddy. Football season is upon us. I have a writer friend who says there's no such thing as the off season in Alabama. I wish I could remember exactly what she said because it was very clever, like pretty much everything she says. It was something like recruitment season, preseason, draft and then, of course, The Season.

I love where I live. I love that the women I know love football.

Though our college team alliances are split here under the tulip tree we are all, all about some football. These days we can get started on Thursday night and watch all the way until about midnight Saturday. Kathy takes it into Sunday because she follows pro as well. Stephanie and I watch the occasional pro game but it's really just to watch our former Crimson Tide players.

Wait. Did I say all of us? I did and that is not true. Not anymore. Lesia has joined us. We love Lesia. She is funny, smart, dependable, a good writer. She can sing like a proverbial bird and hold her liquor.

"I just don't get it," she said. "I don't understand the game."

Stephanie and I explained it to her: All you have to know is how to count to four and to ten. The offense has four tries to move the ball ten yards. If they fail, they have to turn the ball over. If they succeed, the four tries start again until they fail or score.

Of course, there are about a million exceptions and nuances, but that it the foundation—what every little five-year-old Southeastern Conference girl learns at her mother's knee. I don't know what mothers in other conferences teach their daughters. Probably to be satisfied with a winning season and a bowl game because a National Championship is unlikely.

Are you ready for some football? And we have a prayer of assimilating Lesia?


  1. I am MORE than ready for some football!! In fact, this weekend I purchased some crimson shorts and some gold jeans(my local high school team is black and gold. Football clothes! Yea!!

    I am not sure if we can ever get Lesia totally into the game but I am willing to bet that we can get her to the point where she can watch with us to eat and drink. That is what some of our other "Not from around here" friends do.

    Oh, and I also now carry my football watching into Sunday since I am a Buffalo Bills fan now! I think I am even going to get the Sunday Ticket so that I can watch them every week this year! GOOOOOOO BILLS!!!

  2. Lol! I'z READY!!!!!

    Can't wait for football season to start. I LOVE football Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays!!!!! My idea of a good weekend is watching my favorite teams.... Hold on a minute.., I should say any team, play on the big field. Got it in my blood as we grew up watching the Cowboys play every week. I heard my parents yelling at the tv. (I'm not so obnoxious. Heehee! But I hear my bro is!). Anyhoo, football girls are grown, not made. Though we WILL convert our dearest Lesia into the fold. Yes, there's hope!

    And so as the world shifts to football in about 3 short weeks, I can't wait for some college goodness to happen. For now, I'm appeasing myself with the Olympics.


  3. 25 days' til FOOTBALL! Woot!

    The thing about college football is, the more you watch the more hooked you get. Eventually you start recognizing the players by their numbers, the plays make sense, you start making your own play-calls (and yell at the coach when HIS play doesn't work out and yours definitely would have!). From there, it's just a short step to attending a game in person, and then there's no going back. The noise, the excitement, the energy level -- it gets you. It makes me understand the Coliseum in ancient Rome.

  4. Oh Lordy, but y'all are killin' me! Hahaha! I do think you're right, though....I will convert even if it's for the social aspect. Because there's just nothing I love more than hanging with the ones I love! But you know I'm honor bound to cheer on LSU and the N'awlins Saints. It just wouldn't be right otherwise! :D
