Okay, Listen Here

Okay, Listen Here

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Monkeys Talk and Chickens......Sing?

Yesterday I had a great time with Katherine Bone and Jean Hovey.  We met for lunch then meandered over to an art shop Jean wanted to show us.  And Jean may not consider herself artsy, but she knows how to pick a store!  Yes she does!

So here we are in this store of pretty things…paintings, pottery, glass objects and such.  I found myself leaving the ladies behind and entering that place of me and art as I wandered.  There was whimsy everywhere and upcycled this and that.  Beautiful woolen bags and blankets and pillows tossed over a bed.  And then the lights of heaven shown down on me and illuminated the wall of art before me.  It was that moment I was waiting for, though I didn’t really know it until it happened.  There before me was a wall of art just for me (in theory) like Jean’s Monkey Art was for her.  I was in awe.  And I heard bells ringing in the distance.  

Now you have to understand.  I didn’t know I needed Monkey Art, had never even contemplated the idea of it until I saw Jean’s living room walls that first time we had lunch.  But those Monkey eyes stirred something inside my soul.  They pulled at me and taunted me to find my own.  “Go on!  GIT!”  They said to me.  And I heard them in a distant faraway place inside my mind.  But not until I stood before this art shop wall did I understand their kick to my behind.  

Truly, though (while I’m doling out the credits list), You are my assistants in this mission of “GIT!”.  See, had it not been for these wonderful Southern women inviting me to join them on the blog and for you the readers pulling at me to write, I would never have realized the greatness of my own inner art love.  I mean, yea, my background is art.  We all know that.  But I’m talking here about that topic of art that calls to me.  Jean is called by her Monkeys, you know.  They need her for their story to be told!  Well because I have written to y’all about mine so much lately, I was able to recognize the art that calls me while standing right there in front of that gleaming art wall yesterday.    

So now I am on a mission.  I will find my art that calls to me.  I have announced this epiphany to my family and friends and you my peeps.  No one can find this art for me.  It is a mission I must bear on my own so that I may recognize in the eyes of the art itself the calling it sends to me.  And I must pull it to my home (or paint it myself).  And what is it that calls me to exhibit its whimsy and heartfelt connection between us two?  It is what moves me, you know.  It is…. My GiRLs.  My bell wearing, grass eating, meandering soul GiRLs!  MooOOOoooo COWS!  Jingle!  Jangle!  Can’t you see it now?  Cows laughing!  Cows singing!  Cows mooing, chewing, reading and stampeding!  Whimsical Seusical Cows for my walls!  And the pigs and the chickens sang…..


♪ ♫ ♪     Hallelujah!     ♪ ♫♪





Have you ever had monkeys talk to you?  Did they speak country?  How about lights shining from heaven…ever seen that? 


  1. This is hysterical! Nope. I've never had animal art call to me, but I learned something about myself yesterday. I want to paint again. Been too long. I've been busy painting words these past few years instead. As I gazed upon those gallery items, I knew my work could be displayed there, if I put forth the effort. I really miss that creative side of myself.

    So I guess you could say that the artwork spoke to me. ;)

    1. Yay! I'm tickled pink for you! I can't wait to see what you come up with. Whatever it is it'll be beautiful and fun, I'm sure! <3 I know I need to let out some artistic steam every now and then or it piles up on me. I've been looking for the right outlet to do so....and now? Tehe.....mooOOO? :D

  2. Now, Lesia, you know my monkey pictures are just a step away from dogs playing cards.

    But I can pick a store. Ruggiere. . . . a gallery is a little patch of magic. Glad y'all thought it was worth the drive to Decatur to see.

    Like them on facebook.


    1. Like? Honey I LoVe them!!! I'll follow you shopping anywhere...even to see the dogs playing cards! lol I will definitely find Ruggiere on Facebook. :D
