Okay, Listen Here

Okay, Listen Here

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Motivation at Work

In the past few months, I've been re-organizing my life, from my house down to what makes me tick.  Not always recommended because of the time and energy it takes to organize stuff until what you own is the way you want it, but often needed to get you back on track.

In the process of this, I got to thinking...  What is it that makes me want to fluff my nest?  It's only the end of February.  Am I only trying to be on task with my New Year's goals?  (Must revisit list to see if that's the case.)  Has the unusual warm weather we've been having this winter boosted my desire to spring clean?  (If so, I'm ahead of the game.)

Whatever it is, LTC is very happy with the way things are coming.  One person's vision of organized isn't quite the same as somebody else's.  LTC likes everything in its place.  That was ingrained into him at West Point.  I didn't go there, so of course I'm content with stacks of paper.  The downside, now that everything is neatly arranged is, I need a treasure map to find what I need.  (Perhaps I can convince Captain Jack to navigate these waters.  I'm sure he'd oblige...)

But I digress... 

What organizing and reconnecting with little things has done for me lately is jump start my muse.  The poor dear has been sour and unruly lately, unafraid to bog me down in muck and then refuse to throw me a buoy.  (The grog must not be strong enough because she's been hurtling nasty asides, shouting, "Fester and drown, ye sabberous wastrel!")

So epiphanies are great things meant to pull you in out of the depths.  Here are some things I've learned lately.  (They're all good and common sense related, but oftentimes forgotten in the mundane.)

1. Clean doesn't always mean it's easier to find what you need.

2. Ridding the clutter does make the office look bigger.

3. Hanging a portrait of someone who's inspired you is a really GOOD thing.  (Throwing kisses at my muse!)

4. Surrounding yourself with positive quotes douses the embers of negativity.

5. It is possible to muffle a choir.

What are things you do to circumnavigate when you've veered off the charts? 

(I recently read Caitlin Crews' book, Princess From the Past.  The writing is phenomenal!)


  1. Have a little chocolate, watch a movie that inspires me, then give it another go! It's surprising how such little things can get you back on track.

    1. Oh yes! Movies are a great motivator, Crystal. Thanks for reminding me. ;)

  2. Usually when I get pulled off track it's really because there's an underlying something-or-other bugging me that I need to deal with. So, I take note, deal with the something-or-other and get back on task. And yes, sometimes is as simple as a stack of papers. Things lurk under there, ya know! :D

    1. Lesia, you make a good point. Sometimes we can't think clearly until we understand what's bothering us. I've had another epiphany!

  3. Oh look a rabbit...seems to be my mantra lately. I get off task at the slightest excuse. Generally, I have to just give in, go with the flow and follow that rabbit for a while. Usually, like Lesia, it's something I needed to deal with. After I accomplish snaring the rabbit, I feel better and can go back to work.

    1. Look a rabbit with a pocket watch! ;)

      Cheryl, I'm the same way, easily distracted, sometimes more often than other times. But especially when I don't want to think about something going on in my life that I need to address. (Like my darling mother whom I love dearly but don't understand.)

  4. My whole life works better when my house is in order. I say good for you.

    1. You always have a beautiful home, Jean! ;). I wish mine was as wonderfully southern and welcoming.

  5. Ah, chocolate and a clean house are a very hard to beat combination!

    1. You got that right, Stephanie! Can't beat good chocolate and an organized home. ;)
