Okay, Listen Here

Okay, Listen Here

Friday, July 16, 2010


Thanks to everyone who joined us for Cheryl's and Kathy first week.

This week we are reading:

Jean: Off Season by Anne Rivers Siddons

Stephanie: At the Sheik's Command by Kate Walker and The Deadly Game by Christine Feehan
Oh, I am also reading the RWA By-Laws.

Cheryl: Ambushed (which is the second book in the series "Sons of Chance") by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Kathy: The Accidental Princess by Michelle Willingham

What are you reading?


  1. I've been here this week ladies and it was great! It was late when I got a chance to check in so I didn't post. So today I got up early to check in before going to work. :-D

    I'm reading the RWA conference workshop schedule and the handouts. So many to choose from and some at the same time! But I may break away for a bit and do some pleasure reading. The Ranger by Rhonda Nelson will make a mighty fine pool read! ;-D

  2. Ooh, Sherry! Rhonda Nelson has great covers on her books, doesn't she?

    I'm actually doing the same thing. I have my scheduled events jotted down in the order I might take them, along with two other choices just in case I change my mind. Now I've just got to plug them into my spreadsheet and I'm done. :)

  3. I'm currently stirring the cauldron of creativity with The Pillars of Creation by Terry Goodkind, from The Sword of Truth series, the series that fueled the weekly TV show Legend of the Seeker.

  4. Stirring the cauldron of creativity. I love that, Crystal! Legend of the Seeker is a great show. ;)

  5. Yea for Rhonda! Sherry, that pool water might boils.

    Cauldron of creativity. Sounds a little witchey.

  6. Alas, Kathy! Legend of the Seeker is not being given a 3rd season. But I still have the books!

  7. Pooh! What do the critics know. :P

    Jean, I need to stir the cauldron of creativity today. ;)

  8. Long live the Cauldron of Creativity! Let the magic flow! I'll be stirring the cauldron much this weekend.

  9. Sherry, loved that book! I do love Rhonda's heroes! Definitely a pool read.

    Long live the Cauldron of Creativity! Mine recently has looked like the teapot of creativity - I'm washed out!

    Oh, by the by, if anyone is interested - Trigger sold to a Nebraska cable company for $266,000 along with Bullet for $35,000. Buttermilk was sold for $25,000 but they won't say who bought her. No word on Trigger Jr. I knew my cookie jar wouldn't be enough!

  10. Cheryl,
    At least Trigger and Bullet are together.

  11. Yeah, the newscasters on t.v. were wondering why a Newsroom bought them. Beats getting buried underground at this point.

    Cheryl, Trigger sold for as much as some people pay for a house. Whew!
