Okay, Listen Here

Okay, Listen Here

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Healthly Habits

At the first of the year many of us thought about our habits and the changes  we might want to make in  to improve our lives.  Like many, I wanted to lose some weight but more than anything, I wanted to learn to live a healthier lifestyle.  To me, this didn't mean dieting, which implies that after the weight is lost, the diet ends.  I have done that dozens of times of over the years.  What I am hoping for this time is manageable life style changes that help me to feel better that I can continue for years.

In the past two months, I have been working with a friend  who is a personal trainer.  She has helped me to see that life is about balancing healthy habits and good choices.  Sure, everyone wants to go to the Mexican restaurant on Margarita Night to eat chips and have tasty treats. But does doing this every week fit into the goals that you have set for your life? Or would once a month give you the fun without losing sight of the goal of being healthier? The same goes with piling up on the couch after a hard day at work.  I LOVE to come home,  put my pajamas on, and settle in to read a hot romance.  Turns out, that is one of the ways that I gained 20 pounds in three months.  It is easy to do, but I am hoping for something different this year.  Oh, I still get into those jammies a few nights a month but the other nights will find me at the gym for at least an hour.  Do I succeed every day in making the healthiest choices? Of course not, but I think the key to success is that I keep trying.

What are some of the habits that you have that help keep you healthy mentally and/or psychically?


  1. My deal was to start exercising again. I had slipped off the treadmill last year during my husband's surgery for a hip replacement as well as my FIL's cancer diagnosis/illness/passing. So in November I joined a new gym and began going to the group classes. Yes, they interrupt my writing day, but I always feel so much better afterward. The social time is important for me as well. I am trying to get the healthier foods in but I tend to backslide in the evening. That's next on my list to getting in shape for the summer. Your personal trainer friend sounds like a wonderful person. Good advice!! I will use some of it!


  2. I try to exercise three times a week at the gym. Some weeks I don't make it that often, but when I'm going two or three times a week, I have a lot more energy. So even though I hate taking the time out to go, it's worth it.

    I also drink mostly water. I can't tolerate caffeine very well, and I don't like diet drinks, but I have gotten used to drinking water all day. It's a habit now, and I feel like it's a healthy choice!

    And if you want to know some of my UNhealthy habits, I can share those too! LOL!

  3. I am so unfit it isn't funny. And my problems with my feet make walking and a treadmill out of the question. I swam almost daily last summer but can't swim in winter. I was using the stationary bike at the apartment's fitness center for a while but then I fell off the wagon with that routine. At least I eat well most of the time, but that doesn't tone flabby muscles. And I don't drink enough water.

    My therapist helps keep me sane mentally, and speaking of her, I need to call and make an appointment for a tune-up. I had to stop seeing her when my insurance ran out. Now that I have it again, I can go back and start getting myself back on track emotionally.

  4. Christine-I agree that it is sometimes hard to feel like it is ok to "take time off" to go to the gym but like you the pay off always seems to make the investment worth while. You are right that my friend is a wonderful person and she has been a huge help to me as I try to learn to make better choices.

    Melanie-I think the water drinking is a great healthy habit! I bet we all have more UNhealthy habits than we do healthy ones.

    PM-I thought for a second as I read your post that you were saying that you fell off the stationary bike...so glad that I mis-read that!
    I am glad that you can go in for a tune-up. Best of luck with that.

  5. I too have been unfit (marriage, having babies, sitting too much), but this month discovered a benefit to the hubby getting cable again: On Demand Exercise TV. I get to choose what kind of program and how long, and I make myself do it once the kids are at school--before I get to have coffee and read blogs and books. It's like writing, sometimes it can be fun but sometimes you have to force yourself to do it. All the best in your goals. :)

  6. Reina, What a great idea! I wonder if I have that...I will have to check.

  7. When I'm doing well, I walk 30 a day, avoid sugar and, eat 3 servings of fruit and one serving of oatmeal a day. I'm about 65 percent on that right now.

    But one thing I do every single day without fail is work at least on crossword puzzle. I also try to play a game of Scrabble on the computer. It's been proven that this helps make for a clear headed old age.

  8. I have quit regular cokes - plain and simple. I don't usually eat much as a rule. By not drinking them I have lost a lot of weight.

  9. I'm trying to quit criticizing myself too much. ;) Harder than it seems.

    This is a great post because it reminds me why I started exercising again. I've recently found that I like to walk on the treadmill at night while watching one of my favorite shows. That keeps me very motivated and it's like killing two birds with one stone.

  10. I am trying to cut down on the Diet Coke and drink more water. I used to drink PLENTY of water, but somewhere along the way I lost my way. I'm also trying to make healthier food choices and walk more. I do better with this some days than others, but I'm determined to succeed. I'd like to lose that small person I've been carrying around.

  11. I must say, that Stephanie is the most motivated and driven person I know. She invested her time, effort, and funds into making a lifestyle change. I have seen first hand her commitment, as she trades pjs for gym clothes! :) I am very proud of her!
